April 02, 2012

Trial of Faith

"What about the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth. Do you know why I like to read Peter? Because Peter was the man that was one day going down the road and Jesus met him and he said to him "listen Peter, right round the corner Satan's there and he's gonna jump on you, beat you up, your gonna have the worst time you ever had in your life. Now, I've prayed for you." Wouldn't it sound a lot better if Jesus said "I saw Satan there and I said, you go back to hell and leave Peter alone!" But Jesus didn't say that, He said "Keep going, He's gonna get on you, but I have prayed for thee... that thy faith fail not." You see, thats the treasure you and I have, not your bible knowledge, not how smart you are, your faith."
~ Leonard Ravenhill

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