December 30, 2011

"Many Samaritans believed in Him because of the woman's testimony, 'He told me all that I ever did.' So when the Samaritans came to Him, they asked Him to stay with them, and He stayed there two days. And many more believed because of His word. They said to the woman, "It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world." (John 4:39-42)
What an encouragement this passage is! The Samaritans sought the Lord because of what this woman had shared. They pursued Him more because she opened her mouth and told anyone who would listen the wonderful things that Christ had told her. They believed her word and therefore asked Him to stay longer, yet it wasn't her word that saved them or kept them. When Christ had spoken to the Samaritans, their eyes were opened to the Truth and they believed Him, not because of the woman, but because the Spirit had opened their eyes to the Truth and caused them to believe.

December 28, 2011

"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5
"Attitudes do not just happen; we choose them. Paul urged believers to have the same attitude that Jesus had. Jesus was the Son of God. His place was at the right hand of His Father, ruling the universe. No position could be more glorious or honourable than the right hand of the heavenly Father. Jesus' relationship with the Father gave Him the right to this honor.
Jesus chose not to hold on to this right. Nothing, not even His position in heaven, was so precious to Him that He could not give it up if His Father asked Him. Christ's love for His Father compelled Him to make any sacrifice necessary in order to be obedient to Him. When the Father required a spotless sacrifice for the redemption of humanity, Jesus did not cling to His rights; nor did He argue that He should not have to suffer for the sins of rebellious creatures of dust (Isaiah 53:7). Rather. He relinquished the Glory of His heavenly existence in order to become a man. He was born in a cattle shed; He slept in a feeding trough. His life was spent preparing for the day when He would suffer an excruciating execution. All of this He did willingly.
We are tempted to hold tightly to things God has given us. We say, "I would be willing to give up anything God asked of me, but I just don't think He would ask me to give anything up!" The Father asked His Son to make radical adjustments in His life. Can we not expect that He will ask us to sacrifice privileges and comforts as well?
If you find yourself resisting every time God seeks to adjust your life to His will, ask the Spirit to give you the same selfless attitude that Jesus demonstrated"~H.T. Blackaby & Richard Blackaby "Experiencing God Day by Day"

December 15, 2011

Sometimes A Light Surprises

"Sometimes a light surprises the Christian while he sings;
It is the Lord, who rises with healing in His wings:
When comforts are declining, He grants the soul again
A season of clear shining, to cheer it after rain.

In holy contemplation we sweetly then pursue
The theme of God’s salvation, and find it ever new.
Set free from present sorrow, we cheerfully can say,
Let the unknown tomorrow bring with it what it may.

It can bring with it nothing but He will bear us through;
Who gives the lilies clothing will clothe His people, too;
Beneath the spreading heavens, no creature but is fed;
And He Who feeds the ravens will give His children bread.

Though vine nor fig tree neither their wonted fruit should bear,
Though all the field should wither, nor flocks nor herds be there;
Yet God the same abiding, His praise shall tune my voice,
For while in Him confiding, I cannot but rejoice."

~William Cowper

December 14, 2011

John 10

My Pastor, Charles Leiter, has recently been going through John 10 and it has been a HUGE blessing to me. What a wonderful thing to be part of God's flock and to be so cared for by Him.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
The Absolute Security of His Sheep

December 08, 2011

Life's Seasons

"Just as spring's role is different from that of fall, so each of the seasons of our lives has a different emphasis, focus, and beauty. One is not better than another; each season yields its own unique treasures. We cannot skip ahead to experience the riches of another life season any more than a farmer can rush the spring. Each season builds on the one before it." J. Harris

Though the season may seem long, there is an infinitely wise and loving Father who has ordained the winter as well as the spring of our lives, and we can know that whatever season we are in it is good. 

December 02, 2011

Our Holiest Example

I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. (Psalm 16:8)

This is the way to live. With God always before us, we shall have the noblest companionship, the holiest example, the sweetest consolation, and the mightiest influence. This must be a resolute act of the mind. "I have set," and it must be maintained as a set and settled thing. Always to have an eye to the Lord's eye and an ear for the Lord's voice—this is the right state for the godly man. His God is near him, filling the horizon of his vision, leading the way of his life, and furnishing the theme of his meditation. What vanities we should avoid, what sins we should overcome, what virtues we should exhibit, what joys we should experience if we did indeed set the Lord always before us! Why not?

This is the way to be safe. The Lord being ever in our minds, we come to feel safety and certainty because of His being so near. He is at our right hand to guide and aid us; and hence we are not moved by fear, nor force, nor fraud, nor fickleness. When God stands at a man's right hand, that man is himself sure to stand. Come on, then, ye foemen of the truth! Rush against me like a furious tempest, if ye will. God upholds me. God abides with me. Whom shall I fear?

~Faith's Checkbook by C.H. Spurgeon

November 28, 2011

O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me!
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of Thy love
Leading onward, leading homeward to Thy glorious rest above!

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, nevermore!
How He watches o’er His loved ones, died to call them all His own;
How for them He intercedeth, watcheth o’er them from the throne!

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, love of every love the best!
’Tis an ocean full of blessing, ’tis a haven giving rest!
O the deep, deep love of Jesus, ’tis a heaven of heavens to me;
And it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to Thee!

~S. Trevor Francis

November 19, 2011

Wait, Trust, and Rest

Wait, patiently wait,
God never is late;
Your budding plans are in your Father's holding,
And only wait His grand divine unfolding.
Then wait, wait,
Patiently wait.

Trust, hopefully trust,
That God will adjust
Your tangled life; and from its dark concealings,
Will bring His will, in all its bright revealings.
Trust, hopefully trust,
Then trust, trust,
Hopefully trust.

Rest, peacefully rest
On your Savior's breast;
Breath in His ear your sacred high ambition,
And He will bring it forth in blest fruition.
Then rest, rest,
Peacefully rest!

~Mercy A. Gladwin

November 09, 2011

Rose from Brier

"Thou hast not that, My child , but thou hast Me,
And am not I alone enough for thee?
I know it all, know how thy heart was set
Upon this joy which is not given yet.

And well I know how through the wistful days
Thou walkest all the dear familiar ways,
As unregarded as a breath of air,
But there in love and longing, always there!

I know it all; but from thy brier shall blow
A rose for others if it were not so
I would have told thee.
Come then, say to me:
'My Lord, My Love, I am content with Thee.'"
~Amy Carmichael

July 16, 2011

Becoming like Christ

"I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become"*

How important it is to "take every thought captive" (2 Cor. 10:5) especially since it forms who you are as a person.  If we are to be known as Christ's disciples then should we not dwell upon Him?  If we are to become like Him should we not learn from Him by way of the word?  Should we not meditate on His words day and night, if our desire is to become like Him? If anyone wishes to become something great he must give his entire self to the goal.  If we are to be Christians then we ought to give our whole lives to dwelling upon the things of God.

* quote from Oprah Winfrey

July 14, 2011

"We Love You Jesus" Shane and Shane

May we ever praise the Lord whether it is the popular thing to do (in season), the unpopular thing to do (out of season), when we have a spiritual victory and feel near to the Lord (on top of mountains), and even, when we are as low as we can get and the Lord seems far away (in valleys).  
Let us "greatly rejoice in the Lord and [let our] heart[s] be joyful in our God" ~Is. 61:10

June 15, 2011

The Cross

"I would not have preached the honor and glory of the cross, if I feared the death of the cross."  These were the words of the Apostle Andrew when the proconsul threatened him with death on the cross if he did not stop preaching the gospel.  Andrew could not stop proclaiming that which he loved most and therefore was taken out to be crucified.  As he went he proclaimed: "O cross, most welcome and long looked for! With a willing mind, joyfully and desirously, I come to thee, being the scholar of Him which did hang on thee: because I have always been thy lover, and have coveted to embrace thee." (Deny Yourself by: Steve Gallagher, pg 2)

Am I afraid to speak about the honor and glory of the cross because I fear death on the cross itself?  Do I not realize that it was for me that He died and He did so on the accursed tree?  Do I say that I love Christ and then shrink back from the very thing that has allowed me access to Himself? 

Oh, that I might have the same attitude that the Apostle Andrew had!  That I might have the reality of the cross and yet be so overwhelmed by the peace and love of the Lord as to have no fear of it.  That I would look ever to it, longing to embrace it as my Savior embraced it before me and for me!

I do not mean merely the physical death on the cross but the day to day death that proclaiming the Lord brings about, death to the world, to sin, and the death to self! 

May I speak and act in such a way that it is evident that I have already died the death of the cross and that it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me! 

May 11, 2011

Follow Me

"When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, "Lord, what about this man?" Jesus said to him, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!" "
~John 21:21-22 (English Standard Version)
How often I am like Peter looking towards others as to how my life shall be lived out rather than living the life that God has given me in the way He has shown me to live.  Sometimes it is hard to see friends moving forward in their lives while I'm seemingly standing still; or to see others living carefree while I feel as though I have the weight of the world on my shoulders.  Yet, in these times I should not be looking to them for how my life should be but to be walking in the way that He has shown me.  I do not know what is to come for other believers and I do not know what is to come in the future for myself but I know that I must obey Christ and He says, "You follow me!" 

May 04, 2011

Jesu, High and Holy

Jesu, High and holy,
Make my heart like Thine,
Humble, meek and lowly,
Full of love divine,
Keep me in Thy dwelling,
Pure and undefiled,
Every fear dispelling,
Let me be Thy child.

Thine alone for ever,
Saviour would I be;
Let not Satan sever
My young heart from Thee.
In Thine admonition
Daily may I grow
To Thy full fruition
While I live below.

Saviour, go beside me,
Never let me stray;
By Thy counsel guide me
All my pilgrim way.
Be my joy and treasure,
Grant me, Lord, to see
Truest peace and pleasure
Are in serving Thee.

~W. Robinson

April 02, 2011

Jesus! why dost Thou love me so?

Jesus! why dost Thou love me so?
What hast Thou seen in me
To make my happiness so great,
So dear a joy to Thee?

Wert Thou not God, I then might think
Thou hadst no eye to read
The badness of that selfish heart,
For which Thine own did bleed.

But Thou art God, and knowest all;
Dear Lord! Thou knowest me;
And yet Thy knowledge hinders not
Thy love’s sweet liberty.

Ah, how Thy grace hath wooed my soul
With persevering wiles!
Now give me tears to weep; for tears
Are deeper joy than smiles.
Each proof renewed of Thy great love
Humbles me more and more,
And brings to light forgotten sins,
And lays them at my door.
The more I love Thee, Lord! the more
I hate my own cold heart;
The more Thou woundest me with love,
The more I feel the smart.

What shall I do, then, dearest Lord!
Say, shall I fly from Thee,
And hide my poor unloving self
Where Thou canst never see?
Or shall I pray that Thy dear love
To me might not be given?
Ah, no! love must be pain on earth,
If it be bliss in heaven.

Written by Frederick William Faber, 1814-1863
As presented in The Christian Book of Mystical Verse, compiled by A. W. Tozer

March 26, 2011

Loving Christ Without Limits

"As my relationship with God has deepened and grown more intimate over the past two decades since the accident.  I've come to realize I'll never be satisfied with the kind of Christianity that far too many people settle for.  I don't want to be a half-baked, half-hearted  follower who submits to the Lord only when it's easy or when there's something in it for me.  I want to love Jesus without limits.  I want to be a woman who sees herself as the beloved bride of Christ, His chosen helpmate who joyfully pursues His presence and seeks to carry out His will with dogged determination, regardless of what it may cost me personally.  I don't want to stop short of any goal God may have for me.  When my body is buried in the ground, I want all the angels to say, "She shouldered her burdens with great strength, maximized her opportunites to bring glory to God and squeezed every blessing out of life that her Creator intended her to have."  ~Shannon Ethridge from "Completely His" pg 9

March 12, 2011

The Sin of Impatience

Over and over again the Israelites became impatient.  They grumbled and complained against God and dishonored and quarreled those God had put over them.  They constantly were looking back toward Egypt when their eye did not see the end.

O soul, how often do you lack faith and become impatient for what lies ahead.  You, oh so quickly, look back to the "good old' days" forgetting the bondage your dear Father has freed you from.  You forget how He has so often heard your cries and grumblings and supplied you with food and water in the wilderness.  O feeble one, how quick you are to rely on your own eyes rather than on your God.

How often have your eyes deceived you; causing you to believe that a situation is impossible, that the end will never come, or even that God no longer cares and you are forsaken? 

Now, dear soul, consider this, how often has your Father deceived you? Can you think of any time? Of course not! He will never leave you, deceive you, or not provide for you.

O Child of God, trust in your Father and look with eyes of faith towards the ultimate goal, for He will never disappoint!

March 11, 2011

Hasten the Coming of the Day

"The Gospel must first be preached to all the nations." ~Mark 13:10
"[L]ooking for and hastening the coming of the day of God..." ~2 Peter 3:12

Oh soul, keep in mind the second coming of Christ.  Look for it, hasten it!  Oh beloved of God, go out and share the gospel to all the nations, so that, the day of the Lord might come more quickly; for "the gospel must first be preached to all the nations" before our Lord returns.  Go out, call souls out of their bondage; speak the word to all men, that Christ might be worshipped in every tribe and tongue and nation.  He alone is worthy; deserving of all glory, honor, and praise.  Will you not go out to see His name glorified as He has commanded?

March 10, 2011

"His Steadfast Love Endures Forever"

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures Him who alone does great wonders, for His steadfast love endures Him who led His people through the wilderness, for His steadfast love endures forever..." Psalm 136:1, 4, 16

Isn't it amazing that even when God led his people through the wilderness it says "His love endures forever".  I think that if I was led through the wilderness I would start to wonder whether God loved me or not.  It would seem like He didn't love me too much to have me wandering through the wilderness for 40 years suffering from illness and not having a set home and eating the same thing day in and day out.  I'm sure the Israelites thought many times "If God loves me then why are we still out here!?"  They grumbled and complained and could not see God's love in it, instead of being able to be thankful for the things that they did have.

God was with His people the entire time, leading them every step of the way. "The LORD was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night."  Exodus 13:21

He provided them with food when they were out in the wilderness and there was none to be found. "Then the LORD said to Moses, 'I will rain down bread from heaven for you.'" Exodus 16:4

And if they had had no other reason to give thanks they should merely have given because God is worthy, "For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise..." 1 Chronicles 16:25

The Children of Israel did not keep these things in mind and therefore it caused them great suffering in all aspects of their life. They were not joyful in the Lord and did not remember His love for them even when they were stubborn and grumbling.  Let us learn from the Israelites that even when things seem to be going badly and we cannot see the Lord's loving hand in it, He is still our loving Father.  He is there before, after, and during the all trials that we go through and He is worthy of love and devotion.  Let us give thanks to our Lord, for His steadfast love endures forever!


"What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God?"  Romans 3:3
O Child of God, what wonderful questions these are for one so unfaithful! 
Can our faithlessness nullify God's faithfulness?  "May it NEVER be!" (Rom. 3:4)
What wonderful Truth that God's faithfulness does not rest on us but on Him, who can never be unfaithful! 

March 09, 2011

Keep on the Alert

"Take heed, keep on the alert..." ~Mark 13:33
"...Be on the alert!" ~ Mark 13:37

Christian, are you prepared for the coming of Christ?  Are your shoes and jacket on? Is your food packed and ready to go? Are your affairs in order and ready to be left behind?  Or are you sleeping?  Have you become too comfortable in this world; making it your home and forgetting that you are a pilgrim in a stranger land? 
Dear Soul, WAKE UP! Sleeper, arise from your bed! Your home is not here.  This is but a passing phase that will be over before you realize it.  Are you ready for eternity?  Be on the alert; be watchful for your Lord's return.  Do not be found asleep lest you be left behind and thrown in to hell far from the presence of the One whom should be loved the most. 
Listen to the word of God and take heed, keep alert that you may not miss the hour of Christ when He comes!

January 22, 2011


I was looking back at some journal entries that I had written at the beginning of the 2010 year and I was discouraged to find that I still struggle with the some of the same things.  I thought about how I could not see growth in some areas of my life and wondering why I was still struggling.  Then the Lord revealed to me this Truth: He is the living vine.  Christ is the Vine and I am but the branch, I can do no growing of my own; in fact if the vine that I am connected to is dead then I am dead as well!  I have no hope of growing if I am attached to a deaad vine, it is not possible! God encouraged me with the fact that He is the Living Vine and because I have been grafted into Him, I am a living branch; and what is it that living things do?  They grow!  Praise the Lord; if I am abiding in the living Vine then how can I help but grow in righteousness?!  We should never be discouraged when we can't see growth in our own lives, the growth is so slow that it can be imperceptible to us. We must simply cling to the Truth and know that God's will for us is to become more like His son and because of that we know He will not just allow sin to stay in our lives but will give us victory over it!

January 18, 2011

A Note from a Sister

These are just some thoughts in light of Dick's message this week.

v.4 "The Voice of the Lord is Powerful" ~ I think of this Psalm (below) like one that David is reflecting on God speaking through the storm. Honestly, sometimes thunder scares me because of it's force and power as it breaks through the air, warning all who hear it. Imagine God speaking in such a way that we can hear His voice in each trial or burden. His voice thundering through with wonderful promises from His Word. We wouldn't be scared of our Heavenly Father necessarily, but rather our eyes would be opened more to the Power and Might of our God and we would be left with such an awe that won't allow you to trifle with God. What a mighty God we serve!

Another verse that has stood out to me this week is Isaiah 64:4
"For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear,
Nor has the eye seen a God besides You,
Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him."

God acting on our behalf! Who else has a God who does this! This verse tells us- No One has! A God who speaks and acts and changes every situation- by saving someone, by sparing a loved one's life, by simply granting grace for us to endure a hardship.

Ascribe to the Lord Glory Due His Name today, sisters! He is worthy!

Psalm 29 (New American Standard Bible)

The Voice of the LORD in the Storm.

A Psalm of David.
 1   Ascribe to the LORD, O sons of the mighty,
Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
 2   Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to His name;
Worship the LORD in holy array.
 3   The voice of the LORD is upon the waters;
The God of glory thunders,
The LORD is over many waters.
 4   The voice of the LORD is powerful,
The voice of the LORD is majestic.
5   The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars;
Yes, the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
6   He makes Lebanon skip like a calf,
And Sirion like a young wild ox.
7   The voice of the LORD hews out flames of fire.
8   The voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness;
The LORD shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.
9   The voice of the LORD makes the deer to calve
And strips the forests bare;
And in His temple everything says, "Glory!"
10   The LORD sat as King at the flood;
Yes, the LORD sits as King forever.
11   The LORD will give strength to His people;
The LORD will bless His people with peace.

January 07, 2011

For Helena

Her  heart belongs to the Great King
           Therefore she can joyfully sing
Even when the enemy brings
           Heavy trials to burden her wings
Little, though she may be, and frail,
           Her God she will forever Hail
Even when heartache comes
           And her song is a little softer

Never will her God forsake her
           For He has vowed to be her comfort.
A day will come when she'll see her King
             in His great home above
                 and there will she ever sing
                       for her one true love.
                                                        AMW 1/7/11