May 07, 2010

Lift up your eyes and look

"Then I lifted up my eyes and looked..." ~Zechariah 1:18
Notice that in this book Zechariah had to lift his eyes to behold the things God wanted to show him.  How true this is of us as well in our day to day walk.  We must repeatedly lift up our eyes just as Zechariah did to behold the things of God (1:18; 2:1).  When a vision was given the prophets did not look down at their feet or around at their surroundings but they looked up!  We must always be looking up and to the Lord or we will not see what He has to show us.
"These are the horns which have scattered Judah so that no man lifts his head." ~Zechariah 1:21
We must beware of getting into positions where we can not lift our heads.  This can happen when we become distracted by earthly things. We start looking at things we need and things we want and stop looking up and at God.  He takes care of us (Matt. 6:25-36)  all we need to do is look to Him.
We can also fall into this pit by doubting God and becoming discouraged in prayer.  The Devil will use these things to us from lifting up our heads and seeing the truth.  Satan will slander God to us saying "God doesn't really care about something as minuscule as that," or "why would a big and mighty God answer something as small and insignificant as you?" or even still, "if He hasn't answered by now what makes you think that praying more will help, He's probably tired of hearing you anyways." All of these things will cause our eyes to be cast down and our heads to be bowed in defeat, be we must remember the promises of God has given and hold fast to them (John 16:22).  We must be bold and lift our eyes to the heavens so that we can see God as He truly is.
You can only see where you are going if you keep your head up and your eyes on your destination.  When you look down or take your eyes off your destination you will end up losing your way.
Lift up your eyes and look to God!

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