April 29, 2010

Psalm 105:19

"Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him."  Isn't that amazing!?!  The Lord tested Joseph before He fulfilled His promise.  So many times it looked as if the promise of the Lord would never come to pass.  Then things would look up for Joseph, for example, When he was in Potipher's house.  It looks like everything is going to turn out for good, then he gets thrown in jail for something he didn't do.  After being there for a while things begin to seem to be turning towards the fulfillment of God's promise again.  The cup bearer is going to tell Pharaoh about Joseph! He's going to get out for sure! How excited Joseph must have been with these thoughts.  But wait, this is not God's plan. God says, "No, not yet.  It is not time for Joseph to be exalted just yet.  I want him to trust me and not a man putting in a good word for him"  And so the cup bearer forgets.  He is enjoying being free and having his old job back.  He's enjoying being free so much that he forgets all about the promise that he made to Joseph.  How typical this is of men.  They will make promises and then they forget.  But this is not so with God! God never forgot Joseph or the promise He made to Joseph.  He was simply teaching and testing him.  Finally when the time came, God once again brought Joseph into the mind of the cup bearer.  Joseph came in at the perfect time and God helped him save the lives of an entire nation. 
God does not forget what He has promised.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amanda this is insightful, How great is our God that His ways are not our ways. How much would we have missed about the faithfulness of God if God had simply made Joseph ruler of all of Egypt after his dreams. God instead shows us His great and mighty power that His plans are not thwarted at all, and that despite every adversity, He will accomplish that which He has set out to do. The Lord really is worthy of trust. We can trust Him with all things believing that He will work all things together for the good of those who love Him, regardless of how circumstances may appear. What liberty for obedience there is in that fact.